By PATRICK GORDON | Managing Editor
June 23 2014, 11:00AM EST.

Before we launch into our coverage of the upcoming Phillies homestand, I wanted to take some time to announce some exciting news regarding the Philadelphia Baseball Review.

First, I am happy to announce July 18th as the release date for the mid-season issue of PHILLY 9 magazine. The publication will be available as a PDF download on the site.

Secondly, the Review now has a forum connected to our main site. The forum (accessed here) allows for discussion of various topics and allows you, the reader, to guide the discussion. I also encourage local amateur leagues and clubs to use the forum as a promotion tool. Ideally, I want this forum to become the go to for all things baseball in the Philadelphia region. There is a contest going on for those who register and post, so go and take a look.

As another update to the site, I've added a new page for a weekly column. This column, published every Saturday evening, will deal with a national baseball topic and may not necessarily relate directly to Philadelphia.

Lastly, I'll be releasing a book later this fall on the topic of nationalism and the baseball press following the 9/11 attacks in New York. I'm still working the details out with my publisher, but I plan to have the book available on the site upon release.

We will have a full site update and preview of the Marlins series up later today.

- The Philadelphia Baseball Review is the top baseball news source in Philadelphia, providing news coverage and analysis of the 2014 Phillies and baseball in the Philadelphia region.   

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